Fresh Roasted Coffee

Ahoy there, ye coffee-lovin' landlubbers and seafarers alike! Cast yer eyes upon our newly hoisted website, where ye can plunder from our bounty of small batch, fresh roasted, organic, fair trade coffee. Chart yer course through our trove of aromatic treasures, each batch roasted with the care of a calm sea at dawn. Set sail with us on a voyage for the most spirited cup o' joe that ever sailed the seven internet seas! Arrr, welcome aboard our online galleon, mateys, where the coffee's as rich as a buried treasure!

Three Steps to Navigating the Roast'n Seas

Step 1

Chart Yer Course:

Hoist your flag and place yer order, matey! Choose your bounty of Roast'n beans and mark your X on our treasure map. Your quest for the perfect brew begins with a single click.


Stoke the Galley Fires:

Once yer order's set sail, our seasoned crew gets to roasting. We fire up the roasts with the precision of a master gunner, ensuring each bean is as bold and robust as a pirate's spirit.


Shipshape Delivery:

With the cargo hold full of freshly roasted beans, we set course for your port. Our swift vessels ensure your precious haul is delivered with the speed of a clipper, ready for ye to savor the freshest flavors of the seven seas.

Order Fresh Coffee Beans

Featured Treasure

Hoist yer mugs for our Featured Treasures, a trove of the finest coffee beans the world offers, ethically sourced and organically harvested. Taste the adventure in every brew!

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  • Freshness Ahoy: "The Roast’n Gale"

    Set sail with Roast’n Small Batch Coffee, where every bean is a fresh treasure plucked straight from the roaster. No bilge water beans here, matey—only the freshest, just as Neptune intended!

  • Artisan Craft: "Master Gunners of the Roast"

    Our kin be the venerable captains of the coffee roasting trade, aiming true to bestow upon ye the choicest, most robust flavors. Each batch, hailing from the shores of Lake Stevens, WA, be hand-roasted with a commitment as steadfast as the tides.

  • Cherished Heirloom: "The Lake Stevens Legacy"

    When ye choose Roast’n beans, ye're not just buyin' a pouch o' coffee; ye're partakin' in a legacy. We're a family anchored in tradition, our small batch beans steeped in the spirit of Lake Stevens—a treasure that goes beyond gold.

Home Port

Ahoy, me hearties! Lake Stevens, WA, be the star on our map where the Roast'n adventure sets sail. 'Tis here, 'mongst whisperin' pines and calm waters, we roast our beans with the same fervor as a buccaneer chasin' horizons. Every pouch be bursting with freshness, a true booty from our beloved cove.